
We have provided these resources for clients to use. You may contact us at (516) 801-6900 for more information. Note that these links will open in a new browser window.

  • Int'l Moving Guides - Omni Moving provides information guides about other countries. These guides may assist you in planning relocations interationally.
  • Currency Converter - This useful site provides up to date, accurate currency conversions for all major world currencies.
  • Federation of Women’s Clubs Overseas Inc. is an international network of 72 independent clubs with a combined membership of over 17,000 women in 33 countries worldwide.
  • Expatriate Exchange provides information about oversea living: whether you're preparing to move abroad or have been living there for years.
  • The Expat Expert, Robin Pascoe, shares information on traveling spouses, relocation specialists, international schools, and corporate offices worldwide. She addresses both the joys and challenges of families and global relocation.
  • Travel with Kids provides information on how to travel internationally (or just long distances) with your children.
  • European Council of International Schools is a membership organization with over 436 international schools, both primary and secondary, around the globe.
  • Worldwide Weather provides up to date weather for all major cities around the world.
  • Ocean freight rates C-TPAT and Sox Compliant